Suffering From A Career/Life
Start tapping in to ALL your resources and open up the hidden “road” to life fulfillment

The hidden roadblocks that could be holding you back
The unique tools you already have
How to turn on your confidence tap
The often hidden path to fulfillment you may not be able to see
Many people go through their careers on automatic. The money’s good. The people are great. Plenty of variety.
But for some, their career - the only thing some have ever known - has them feeling incredibly unfulfilled.
They know they SHOULD be happy. But they’re not.
Sound familiar?
It’s almost as if there’s an inner force that keeps you trapped in an “all-career all the time” whirlwind.
Nowhere near enough time for family. Or hobbies. Even just feeling okay with taking your foot off the gas and doing whatever you want makes you feel guilty.
Hi….I’m Lauren Malach…and for over 13 years as an executive search director and professional coach, I’ve helped create career and life-changing turning points for many people just like you.
At the core of these turnarounds are the strategies I reveal in my Wayfinding Method Program.
What prevents many people from getting unstuck from unfulfilling career environments is that they think the only option is a complete teardown of their existing situation.
Questions like ‘what else would I do?’ and 'where do I even start?’ keep them frozen in place.
Well, it doesn’t work like that.

Re-Frame Re-Imagine Re-Ignite
The road to fulfillment and happiness is NOT an ‘all or nothing’ transformation but instead, a process where you take what you have and shape it into the lifestyle you want.
Click here to learn about the Wayfinding Method Program and how it can help you find the right balance between your career and the rest of your life.
To schedule a 30-minute complimentary Career Crossroads phone session, please call me at 647-964-6572 or email me at info@laurenmalachcoaching.com and we’ll set up an exploratory chat.